A sore hand

1951 December 05

Created by James G Brown 14 years ago
I remember when i was six years old i had a boil on my hand and mum thought she would try and make it better. She thought that she knew how to apply the cream to my sore hand so she heated it up to the temperture she thought it should be. I was in my pyjamas in the bedroom and mum had gone downstairs for a minute when she came back she had the cream and bandage with her, she sat me on the bed and went about preparing the cream. As i sat there waiting she came over and told me to steady myself then she took my hand and applied the bandage with the hot cream all heaped up on it, when it covered my hand i let out a yell and my hand flew up and the cream splattered all over my mums face and the bedroom walls she jumped about three foot in the air and i jumped along with her and we fell back onto the bed yelling and laughing. My loving mum had let the cream heat up to long and when she put it on my hand it very nearly scolded me, but after we looked at my hand the boil had burst. Needless to say after a lot of laughing and a lot of crying on my part mum let the doctor see me from then on, god bless you mum you were always a bit rough and ready but i loved you in my own childish way
