My Irish Guard champion recruit medal

1969 October - 1970 August

Created by James G Brown 11 years ago
It was a long time ago now...i was sleeping rough because my Grandmother had died and my aunt did'nt want me in the house as she was engaged to be married and i would only be in their i had nowhere to go i would drink to blank the hurt and thoughts out of my mind....people would comment that i was no good when all i wanted was a home and someone to care for me...i would sit in the pub 'Abercorn' and play the guitar for drinks hoping at the end of the night i had enough money to buy a bottle of cheap wine that would knock me out so that i could sleep...i slept under a tree in the Convent grounds and a little nun would wake me up in the morning giving thanks that she found me alive..anywhere under cover that i could put my head down would do to try and get some sleep but it always took cheap wine to numb my mind.....